
The page illustrates various series of related pieces. These series are either complete or are in progress.


stipple with mechanical technical pen, ink on bristol, 12" x 9"

Lily & Mirror

This completed series includes the final stippled version of "Lily and Mirror," in addition to various studies executed in alternate ink media. The latter versions (line art, etc.) were done just for fun, with the stippled version representing the final artwork which, oddly, was the first in the series to be created.

Images in this series can be selected for a more detailed view.

line with mechanical technical pen, ink on bristol, 12" x 9"

line with illustrator's quill pen, ink on bristol, 12" x 9"

line with brush, ink on bristol, 12" x 9"

ink and watercolor on hot press paper, 11.5" x 8.5"

C57D Landing: ink on bristol, 6" x 4.5"

C57D Landing: ink on bristol, 6" x 4.5"

spaceships that might have been

This series is in progress and represents the early installments of space ships as envisioned by science fiction films of the 1950's. The sense of wonder which was typically inspired by these streamlined visions is dear to my heart and represents a charming contrast with the prognostications of contemporary science and science fiction authors and film makers. Additional entries in this series will be added as they are completed.

2nd Mars Expedition 1958: ink on bristol, 6" x 4.5"

2nd Mars Expedition 1958: ink on bristol, 6" x 4.5"

Metalunan Cruiser: ink on bristol, 6" x 4.5"

Metalunan Cruiser: ink on bristol, 6” x 4.5”

In "2nd Mars Expedition 1958," stippling the star field took more time than the rest of the tasks in producing this piece combined.